Deacons in the Diocese of Georgia
Deacon School for Ministry
Traditions of the Church Competencies
Goal: This area of study will equip the candidate with the skills and reference materials necessary to articulate the rich, full bodied history of the Christian Church (with emphasis on the Episcopal Church) to inquirers and those interested in learning more about the relevance of the church in today’s world. Successful candidates will also be able to articulate how the traditions of the Church inform and enhance the theology and doctrine of the Episcopal Church.
Methodology: The material needed for the successful completion of this requirement will be acquired through a combination of discussion, exercises, readings and group work. Study of Year Three of EFM would be helpful in addition to the assigned readings.
Requirements: For successful completion of this competency the candidate (or postulant) will attend the weekend retreat, fulfill the reading requirements and complete the written assignments. Candidates will also participate in an individual oral exam with the Examining Chaplain upon the completion of all work.
Candidates will demonstrate basic competency in the following areas:
History of the Church: major eras of change and doctrinal development
The Book of Common Prayer: history, structure
The Sacraments: history
Structure of the Episcopal Church:
Canon Law
Ecclesiastical Orders
Governance of the Church
Seasons of the Church: the Paschal and Incarnation cycles
The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral
Please Note: Please have all of Holmes' Brief History of the Episcopal Church read and the following periods from Walker's A History of the Christian Church, 4th Edition read by the weekend. Periods I, II, III, and VI. Also please get the 5 paragraph assignments complete. The balance of the readings can be completed after the weekend if needed.
Written requirements:
1) Coffee questions: As Deacon’s we are frequently stopped and asked a quick question regarding the Church or we are asked to write a short Bulletin article. It is important that you learn to clearly and concisely answer questions about our faith traditions. Please write a paragraph response to each of the following questions using about 250 words. Please include the word count on the paper. The response should be what you would say today. Bring the papers to the weekend as we will discuss our responses as a group. There will certainly be more than one answer to some of these so sharing should be fun. These questions are designed to discuss some of the differences between the Episcopal Church and the denominations around us.
Wasn’t our church formed so Henry could get a divorce?
Why do we have creeds, isn’t the Bible enough?
Why do we say the same words over and over every Sunday?
Why do we baptize infants?
Why do we have Bishops?
2) A final paper will be assigned at the weekend.
Required readings:
Walker , Williston et al, A History of the Christian Church, 4th Edition, New York: Scribner 1985. ISBN: 0-684-18417-6.
Holmes, David L., Brief History of the Episcopal Church, Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 1993. ISBN: 1-56338-060-9.
Lee, Jeffrey, Opening the Prayer Book (The New Church’s Teaching Series). Boston: Cowley Publications, 1999. ISBN: 1-56101-166-5.
Supplemental Texts:
Prichard, Robert, A History of the Episcopal Church, Wilton: Morehouse Publishing, 1991. ISBN: 0-8192-1828-6.
Thompsett, Frederica Harris, Living With History (The New Church’s Teaching Series), Boston: Cowley Publications, 1999. ISBN: 1-56101-160-6.
Moorman, John R., The Anglican Spiritual Tradition, Springfield: Templegate Publishers, 1985. ISBN: 0-87243-139-8.
Sykes et al, The Study of Anglicanism, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1998. ISBN:0-8006-3151-X.
Talley, Thomas J., The Origins of the Liturgical Year, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1991. ISBN: 0-8146-6075-4.
Hatchett, Marion J., Commentary on the American Prayer Book, San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1995. ISBN: 0-06-063554-1.