DSM Chaplains and Competencies
Church History and The Tradition of the Church
Dcn. Phil Runge
Diakonia and the Diaconate– Dcn. Faye Forbes
Diakonia and the Diaconate Competencies
Ethics– Dcn. Ri Lamb Dcn., Carolyn Murdoch
Ethics Competency - being revised
Holy Scripture– Dcn. Scott Mithen, Dcn. Dianne Hall
Homiletics– Dcn. Terri Degenhardt, Dcn. Becky Rowell
Human Awareness and Understanding — Dcn. Yvette Owens
Liturgy –Dcn. Marty Meuschke, Dcn. Ed Williams
Reading Assignment, Required Reading
Questions on the Book of Common Prayer
What are the Rules for Deacons
Spiritual Development-and Discipline-Dcn. Steve Darby
Theology – TBA
Deacons in the Diocese of Georgia